La Sombra del Viento

The cover of the book I bought in 2009 (published by Palatinus). I could never really connect the cover painting to the story. And the typography is simply awful.

Plus the painting is mirrored, which is also weird as it’s absolutely not necessary. Here’s the original by Rafael Daroca Benavent. (No Wikipedia article..) At least he is credited in the book.

Ramblas de Barcelona, Rafael Daroca Benavent

And now the original cover.

And a few more from other countries.

I like the wornout Italian version, and also the modern approach by Suhrkamp. But I looked for some other paintings about Ramblas and came up with these alternatives.

“Las Ramblas Barcelona”
Artis Karnisauskis
“The Ramblas (Barcelona)”
Antonio Estradera

I prefer the first one.

Note: Palatinus seemingly stopped working in 2014.

Color Sorting in PHP

I went for the relatively easy Lightness Sorting.

I built an array of my hex colors, sent them through this cycle, then sorted them by sum value.

$r = hexdec(substr($color,1,2));
$g = hexdec(substr($color,3,2));
$b = hexdec(substr($color,5,2));
$average = round(($r+$g+$b)/3,0);
$min = min($r, $g, $b);
$max = max($r, $g, $b);
$sum = $average + $max + $min;

At the moment I don’t have much time to fiddle with this, but might worth to try and build a two-dimensional matrix based on the HSV Sorting. That looked pretty cool. One just have to position the color higher or lower on the y axis according to its lightness.